Entries by Ryan Bos

Though different, #StillWe Have Pride in 2021 and beyond.

ASL Translation | Traducción al española   We are in the midst of a new chapter for Pride. Throughout history, traditional Pride events have provided the LGBTQ+ community with a platform to proudly showcase our visibility. The passion, determination, and talent expressed by members of our community, in light of progress made and challenges placed […]

Aunque diferente, #StillWe tienen orgullo en 2021 y más allá.

Estamos en medio de un nuevo capítulo para el Orgullo. A lo largo de la historia, los eventos tradicionales del Orgullo han proporcionado a la comunidad LGBTQ+ una plataforma para mostrar con orgullo nuestra visibilidad. La pasión, determinación y talento expresados por los miembros de nuestra comunidad, a la luz de los progresos realizados y […]

Hey, we need your help! Win Prizes.

In lieu of traditional Pride events last summer and the likelihood that Pride 2021 will also look much different, nevertheless #StillWe have pride. These challenging times require us to modify our actions and programming in the fight for full freedom and equality. Although summer of 2020 certainly did not turn out the way that anyone […]

The Capital Pride Alliance Congratulates Dr. Rachel Levine

Congratulations to Dr. Rachel Levine, the Secretary of Pennsylvania’s Department of Health, on the occasion of her historic nomination by President-Elect Joe Biden to be the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. She will break barriers as the first open #transgender official in a Senate confirmed position. This news is […]

The Capital Pride Alliance Congratulates President Biden and Vice-President Harris

Congratulations President Biden (@POTUS) and Vice-President Harris (@VP)! We are are with you for #America to once again “LEAD not by our power, but by the power of our example”! #StillWeLead #StillWe #HavePride365 #Equity #Equality #Justice #LGBTQ+ #HavePride365 __________ Traducción al Español ¡Felicidades al Presidente Biden (@POTUS) y al Vicepresidente Harris (@VP)! ¡Estamos con ustedes […]

The Capital Pride Alliance congratulates President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris

The Capital Pride Alliance congratulates President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on their tremendous victory and the historic nature of Vice President-elect Harris’s election to that office as the first woman and person of color. We thank everyone for fulfilling your civic duty in support of our intersectional community by showing that #StillWeVote […]

A New Chapter of Pride / Un nuevo capítulo de orgullo

Pride encompasses a movement that for over 50 years has sought equality for the LGBTQ+ community. In the National Capital Region, we have celebrated Pride for 45 years and that celebration has grown and changed during that time. Our Pride started as a small gathering near Dupont Circle, at a time when that area was […]

Capital Pride mourns the passing of Associate Justice of the United States Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Capital Pride mourns the passing of Associate Justice of the United States Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was a towering champion for civil rights and a steadfast defender of the proposition that prejudice should have no place in American life, demanding instead that all must be treated equally. From her early, groundbreaking work regarding gender discrimination […]

Capital Pride to Participate in the National Pride Stride

September 10, 2020 – Spearheaded by LA Pride, LGBTQ+ Pride organizations from across America have come together to create the first-ever National Pride Stride Virtual Run. In partnership with EnMotive, producers of the Allstate Hot Chocolate 15k/5k series, the nationwide LGBTQ+ virtual 5k/10k event will commemorate National Coming Out Day on Sunday, October 11, 2020. More than […]