2022 LGBTQ Intergenerational Symposium
The LGBTQ Intergenerational Symposium is full of virtual conversations, education, and fun! We welcome LGBTQ folks of all ages and allies to join to engage in health and wellness sessions, workshops, and hear from our keynote speaker. This year’s theme is “Over the Rainbow” which centers around the idea that our community is continuously expanding, developing, and looking toward the future.
The Symposium is a free virtual event sponsored by the DC Department of Aging and Community Living, Capitol Hill Village, and the DC Villages. There will also be a virtual kickoff for attendees, speakers, and organizations that are involved to get to know each other. CEUs will not be provided for attending this event.
Registration will open on September 1st!
If you have any questions or issues contact [email protected] or call 202-543-1778.