
Apr 06 2023


7:30 pm - 8:30 pm


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"A Transgender Tale" - Heidi Tsai

“A Transgenre Tale”

from the cross-dressing Abbot François-Timoléon de Choisy (1644-1724) and the celebration of 17th-transcriptions for the harpsichord in France

As a glance into 17th-century French literature, history, politics, music, and gender studies, this solo lecture recital is based on music inspired by and/or related to the intriguing Abbot de Choisy; a prolific author who was also a close confidant of King Louis XIV. In addition, he also led a scandalous life as Mme. Sancy / Comtesse des Barres, who attended, performed, and hosted numerous musical soirées for the nobility dressed as a woman.
