DMV Queers & Capitol Hill Village Kickoff
Join Capitol Hill Village on April 19th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at As You Are (500 8th Street SE) for our first of five LGBT intergenerational events with DMV Queers! These events are centered around building connections with LGBT folks from different generations, our April 19th event will be a get to know you event. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, get a little serious, and have fun!
Learn about DMV Queers by going to: https://www.instagram.com/dmvqueers/ or check out our March newsletter (page 10): CHV March Newsletter
Important: This event will be located on the second floor, which has a flight of stairs and no elevator. Attendees are encouraged to take a rapid covid test beforehand and will have access to N95 masks if needed. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Sophia at [email protected] or call 202-543-1778.