Family Camp Weekend 2022
About: Our Family Camp Weekend provides LGBTQ+ families with the very unique opportunity to forge personal connections and build community with one another. Together, parents and children spend the entire weekend enjoying the rustic outdoors, beautiful scenery, and fun activities. A wonderful way for our children to be among other families like theirs.
Camp Tockwogh is in Worton Maryland, about a 2.5 hour drive from the DMV. A 309-acre family-friendly YMCA campground, located on the Chesapeake Bay. Learn more about Camp Tockwogh HERE.
Read: Schedule TBD
Read: FAQ’s and Important Updates TBD
Read: General Housing & YMCA info here. Cottages, Stewart Lodge & Conf Center will sell quickly; first come first served. Registration fee includes 2 nights accommodations, meals and activities as outlined, gifts & raffle prizes. Schedule and FAQ links above will be updated as necessary
Assistance: In addition to the historic reduction in cost thanks to our sponsors, YMCA has a financial assistance program. Stay tuned for more info.