Gay and Bisexual Men Virtual Speed Dating
Use Promo code PR2021 to receive $5.00 off!
Enjoy speed dating in the comfort of your own home!
Mix up your own favorite drink, grab a seat on the couch and get ready to safely date while social distancing.
How Does This Work?
Using the Zoom system, we will gather together in the beginning for a short introduction by our staff. We will then put two men in their own virtual speed dating rooms for a few short minutes until you are switched to your next partner. We will make sure you meet everyone at the event!
Within 24 hours after the event, you’ll be connected to our exclusive online dating system where you can send messages to each other without releasing your last name or e-mail address.
This new form of online dating allows you to still see each other at a safe distance, in a safe spot- your own home!
Our business model has always encouraged in person dating, but during these unprecedented times we want to give you the opportunity to connect with other singles!
The Cliff Notes
- Using Zoom, two men will be in their own speed dating room
- We will send the event link just before the event
- Each man will meet every man at the event
- Everyone will have their camera and audio on
- After the event you will gain access to our dating system
- Our dating system allows you to send messages to anyone you met for 10 days after the event
- Our mutual match system will notify you of mutual matches
Limited spots are available- sign up now!