Job Club – Via Zoom
Due to COVID-19, The DC Center for the LGBT Community is meeting remotely via Zoom. We would love for you to join us. The most up-to-date information for this event can be found on the Center website here.
For security reasons, we now ask that community members reach out to us via email for the Zoom info. Send us a quick email to: [email protected].
Center Careers Job Club meets weekly on Wednesdays starting at 6:00 PM. Please sign up here.
The Job Club is a weekly job support program to help job entrants and seekers, including the long-term unemployed, improve self-confidence, motivation, resilience and productivity for effective job searches and networking — allowing participants to move away from being merely “applicants” toward being “candidates.” The focus is on developing strength-led strategies, techniques and goal plans, matching values and strengths and improving self-awareness as approaches to finding meaningful and satisfying employment.
For more information about Center Careers, e-mail [email protected] or visit us online at www.thedccenter.org/careers.