Leslie Jordan: Exposed!
Join the Washington Blade in celebrating the new show from Emmy Award-winning Actor & Comedian LESLIE JORDAN in EXPOSED live at Union Stage at the Wharf!
Best-known for his standout roles in “Sordid Lives”, “American Horror Story”, “The Help” Beverley Leslie on NBC’s hit series “Will & Grace”, and now playing a lead role in the new comedy series THE COOL KIDS on FOX. Mr. Jordan has charmed fans for over four decades!
In EXPOSED, Leslie invites his audiences behind-the-scenes of his childhood and career! Offering a charming & hilarious look-back at his life experience as a flamboyant youth raised as a Southern Baptist, as well as the “unbelievable real-life stories” and treasured anecdotes from his renowned stage and television performances.
WARNING: EXPOSED may cause a great deal of laughter and a few tears!!!