LGBTQ Social Hour
LGBTQ folks of all ages and abilities are invited to Capitol Hill Village’s LGBTQ social hour! Participants will come together twice a month to connect with others, combat isolation, and foster relationships. Capitol Hill Village, established in 2007, is a membership driven non-profit organization serving older adults in Capitol Hill and surrounding neighborhoods who wish to age in their community. To register for this event go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkcOyurz0iGNUXj_I0IkN1qQ5IXc8VqjPp
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Our LGBTQ programs are funded by the DC Department of Aging and Community Living and are open to any DC residents. To register or get more information please contact Sophia at sross@capitolhillvillage.org