Power Mapping w/ SMYAL
The public health threat of coronavirus has shown us now, more than ever, the importance of understanding power, privilege, and consent. As part of our commitment to community care we want to set up introductory political education conversation spaces to learn and process this current moment in community. We believe this can be a transformative moment, and NQAPIA is committed to learning together throughout it.
Power mapping is an easy and effective strategy tool that will strengthen any organizing campaign. In this workshop you will learn how to identify where power sits in any given system (whether that’s your school, your job, or a community space) and how to use this information to build your organizing capacity. This workshop is listed as intermediate because it focuses on buliding organizing capacity rather than explaining what “organizing” means and why it is important. However, anyone is welcome to attend.
This week we will be learning about Power Mapping!
Wednesday, August 19 at 8pm EST / 5pm PST / 7pm CST
We will send you call-in information 30 minutes prior to the call. Please sign up below.