Rainbow Families Halloween Dance
Happy Halloween!
Join us as we celebrate Halloween Weekend!
Everyone is encouraged to come in costume – not just kiddos! Parents, guardians, caregivers, chosen family, siblings etc. Let’s get together, dressed up in our Halloweeniest Spooktaculariest Best! We’ll DANCE to fun music – WITH A RETURN FROM DJ MYRA (who did such a great job for us, pre covid). We’ll show off our fun costumes, laugh, and have a little joy which we all need.
What’s planned? Snacks, Family Photo Booth, Little(r) Kidz Coloring Station in the library (if some quiet time is needed, w/ a parent), Costume Showcase, DJ and dancing and some extra suprises
Each year we try to alternate geographic areas for this event. After last year’s in Alexandria, we’re excited to return to McLean School.
RF Members: $10 per Adult
Non-Members: $20 per Adult (become a member for reduced/free pricing on our programs – Click HERE)
Children Under 18 – FREE
Please – join us. Our kids need to see other families like theirs, and to feel safe & celebrated.