Team DC Challenge 2
The Challenge Cup is back! This will be a fun filled day of competition and team building.
REGISTER NOW: https://teamdc.rallyup.com/challengecup2
WHAT: This event is a fun-filled day of games and competitions. Teams of 5 will compete virtually in games like trivia, name that tune, charades, celebrity name game, and family feud; and will complete various puzzles and brain teasers to earn points and be crowned the winner of the Challenge Cup. The winning team will win a 2 hour private party at Pitchers with complimentary food and beverages, for up to 30 people, AND get your name on the Challenge Cup!
WHEN: Saturday October 17th at 11:30 AM for check-in and instructions. Game begins promptly at 12:00. Schedule is subject to change based on the number of teams registered for the event. Tentative schedule: Round 1 will begin promptly at 12:00. Round 2 will begin at 1:15 and complete by 2:25 with the announcement of the Final 4. 4 Teams will advance to the Semifinal round from 2:45-3:15 and 2 teams will advance to the finals at 3:30 and be finished no later than 5.
WHERE: This year we will be hosting the event virtually on Zoom. The Zoom link will be provided a few days prior to the event. Teams will want to be in the same location or have your own way of communicating outside of the Zoom during the event so that you can collaborate as a team.
REGISTRATION IS $30/PERSON. Teams must have 5 players. If you don’t have a team but are interested in playing, or are a team that doesn’t have 5 members, email [email protected] and we will try to match you up and help fill the teams.
Teams will be able to start earning points as soon as registration opens.
Points will be awarded for registering early. Teams that Register between September 21-27 will earn 25 Points, Teams that Register between September 28-October 4 will earn 15 points, and Teams that Register between October 5-10 will earn 5 points.*
Points will be awarded for recruiting other teams. Once a team is registered they can recruit other teams to register for the event. When registering, teams will have a chance to identify a team that recruited them to sign up. When this happens, the recruiting team will receive 10 points and the recruited team will be awarded 5 points. Teams can earn points for recruiting up to three additional teams.*
Points will be awarded for selling raffle tickets. Raffle tickets can be bought/sold through the registration site. The raffle prize is 4 lower level tickets to any Nats game of your choosing (on a mutually agreed upon date). Raffle tickets are $1 each with a minimum purchase of 10. Your team will earn 2 points for every $10 your team buys/sells (remember to have the buyers select your team at checkout to give you credit)*
All of the points Teams earn will be added to their point total earned in Rounds 1 & 2 of the event. At the end of Round 2 of the event the teams with the 4 highest point totals will advance to the Semifinals for a chance to win the Challenge Cup!
*Each team is eligible for a maximum of 100 points earned prior to the event, which can be earned by any combination of early bird registration, team referrals, and fundraising.