We welcome Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington to The Magic of Pride Conference. He will guide Pride organizers and other LGBT leaders through a journey of self discovery and awareness around individual prejudice and how it impacts the work we do within our organizations and communities.
*Plenary 1, Friday, March 10.
Rev. Jamie Washington M.Div., Ph.D.
Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington serves as the President and Founder of the Washington Consulting Group (WCG), a Multicultural Organizational Development Firm out of Baltimore, MD. In October of 2015, WCG was named by the Economist as one of the Top 10 Global Diversity Consultants in the world, and one of two selected from the US. Dr. Washington has served as an educator, administrator, and consultant in higher education for over 32 years. Dr. Washington also serves as the President and a Founder of the Social Justice Training Institute. He was recently elected as the Vice President and President Elect of the ACPA (College Student Educators International)
- Washington serves as the Chair of the board for Many Voices, A Black Church Movement for LGBT person: on the boards of Campus Pride, Beyond Diversity, Leadershape, Lead365, Vanderbilt School of Divinity Creating Welcoming Churches project and the ACPA Foundation. He has served on the faculty of Lancaster Theological Seminary Summer Academy, as a Visiting Professor at Winston Salem State, and as Assistant Professor of American and Women’s Studies at UMBC. He is also graduate affiliate faculty at UMCP. He serves as a Co-Lead with Leadershape, Lead Faculty with Lead365, and proud member of ODK, Golden Key Leadership Honorary, and Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity.
- He is the recipient of many honors and awards including the Betty Greenleaf distinguished alumni award for Indian University in Bloomington and the Bud Thomas Outstanding Mentor Award from UMCP.
- Washington earned his B.S. degree from Slippery Rock State College; a double Masters’ of Science degrees from Indiana University/Bloomington; a Ph.D. is in College Student Development, from the University of Maryland College Park; and a Masters of Divinity from Howard University School of Divinity.
- He is a writer, speaker, coach, consultant, teacher and trainer. He has spoken all over the US, as well as in Canada and South Africa. He is a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., the Co Pastor of Unity Fellowship church of Baltimore and shares his life with his partner the Rev. Sam Offer and is the proud grandfather of 7 and great uncle to 6. Known as “The Engagement Specialist”, he sees himself as an instrument of change. He lives by the words of one of his favorite songs:
- If I can help somebody as I Pass along, If I can cheer somebody with a word or song, If I can show somebody that He, She, Zi, or They has traveled wrong, Then my Living Shall Not BE in Vain
We welcome the National Press Secretary for the Human Rights Campaign and first openly transgender person to address a major party political convention, Sarah McBride, to The Magic of Pride Conference. Sarah will give the closing address following the Plenary addressing “Youth & Our Future”.
*Plenary 4, Sunday, March 12.
Sarah McBride is the National Press Secretary for the Human Rights Campaign.
In 2012, Sarah made national headlines when she came out as transgender while serving as student body president at American University. A native of Wilmington, Delaware, Sarah serves on the Board of Directors of Equality Delaware, the state’s primary LGBT-advocacy organization. In that capacity, Sarah helped lead the successful effort to add gender identity and expression to her state’s nondiscrimination and hate-crimes laws. In 2008, Sarah worked for Governor Jack Markell (D-DE) and, in 2010, for former Attorney General Beau Biden (D-DE). Prior to coming to HRC, Sarah worked on LGBTQ equality at the Center for American Progress and interned at the White House, the first out trans woman to do so.
Sarah became the first openly transgender person to address a major party political convention when she spoke at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
Community Issues
Leather & Pride
Leather is and always has been an essential part of our larger LGBT community. As many leather communities around the country face a generational gap, we look to find a way to pass the torch to a new generation. The leather community continues to evolve and grow. In this workshop we will discuss the Leather community and ways in which we can continue to not only just include the Leather community in our Pride events, but other ways to work with and support our Leather community. Topics will include community trends, leather contests and collaborative partnerships.
Presenter(s): Kyle Collins (Board Member, Capital Pride Alliance, Miguel (DC Leather Pride)
March Forward with an Eye on the Past: Welcoming LGBT Older Adults at Pride
Join us to discuss the ways that your pride events can not only become more LGBT older Adult friendly, but to learn simple ways that you can encourage participation from the segment of the community that paved the way for our being able to have Pride! Through discussion and small group activities we will not only make you more aware of why keeping our LGBT Older Adults active in your celebrations, you will come away with a distinct understanding as to why it is necessary.
Presenter(s): Paul Sanders (Pride Events Manager, The LGBT Network, Long Island, NY)
BDSM and Kink: Revelation NOT a Revulsion
Behind the bedroom doors, individuals are engaging in a positive version of sexual health that involves actions that some may view with a grimace. This workshop will open the doorway into the playroom of the world of BDSM and kink and its integration into healthy sexual lifestyles. Additional topics of relationship dynamics and personal biases will be explored.
Presenter(s): W. Allen Pittinger-Dunham, LICSW, CAC-II, NCC AP-MAC
“If I had known…”– Long Term HIV/AIDS Survivor Syndrome
30+ years ago, a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS was a “death sentence”; now it is a “manageable disease”. “If I had known…” addresses concerns for People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). To move toward an end of this pandemic, a prerequisite exists in which those who are considered Long Term Survivors of HIV/AIDS are supported and assisted as they continue to live their lives as fully as possible. Presentation participants will secure a level of knowledge and understanding of the mental health essences of Long Term Survivors. Additionally, participants will have hands-on experience in developing strategies to address the needs required to address the continued stigmatization.
Presenter(s): W. Allen Pittinger-Dunham, LICSW, CAC-II, NCC AP-MAC
Empowerment / History
Pride of the Ukraine
A special screening of the new documentary that reveals the history of the Pride movement in Ukraine. The film tells the story of Kiev Pride, the first attempt of the Ukrainian queer community to rise up and make their voice be heard by the government. The documentary also includes interviews with activists and allies from Ukraine, Canada and Germany, as well as footage from the inaugural Kiev Pride events. Discussion follows to inspire us as Pride facilitators to lend change in Kiev and other challenging parts of our world.
Presenter(s): Wil Coleman
Together You & I
Regarded as The Stonewall of the South. The Upstairs Fire more than forty years later is a must tell story. One of the greatest losses of life due to fire in any U.S. City it remains the catalyst that galvanized the New Orleans community and stirred the national movement for visibility and equality. Exclusive interviews with local patrons and footage with the Rev. Elder Troy D. Perry founder of Metropolitan Community Churches and his first hand recount of the days following the fire will move you to take a stand in your community as never before.
Presenter(s): Wil Coleman
Human Rights & Social Justice
Processing Your Personal Journey To Social Justice
We will take this time to further discuss our personal journeys to social justice. This is an opportunity to share your personal reactions, challenges, and accomplishments that have come into focus following your participation in Friday’s session with Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington.
Presenter(s): Vernon Wall, Co-Founder of the Social Justice Training Institute, Capital Pride Alliance & Ryan Bos, Capital Pride Alliance
Capital Trans Pride: 10+ years of Success and How to Produce an Event
In this work shop members of D.C.’s Trans Pride team will discuss the foundation of Capital Trans Pride, and how to start, grow, and how to include community input in your own city’s Trans Pride event and activities. In addition, how to get support from other Pride organizers in keeping the event alive and going, will be discussed.
Presenter(s): Holly Goldmann, SaVanna Clarke & Bianca REy
If You Can’t Love Yourself, How and the Hell Are You Gonna Love Somebody Else
When it comes to loving ourselves no one phrases it better than Mama Ru, but when it comes down to actually making that happen, many of us find it difficult to do. Join Yoga Teacher Dan(imal) Carter for a moment of meditation during a busy weekend to find compassion in your heart for both yourself and others. No yoga or meditation experience, clothes or gear required, just bring an open heart and mind.
Presenter(s): Dan Carter
Making Your Pride Organization Trans Friendly
In this interactive and engaging workshop, participants will learn some proven steps their organization can proactively implement in making their organization trans friendly. In this, participants will learn basic aspects of the trans community along with the importance of understanding current community dynamics and how to successfully navigate through them, ie how to prepare for push-back when engaging trans individuals, the importance of giving trans individuals a voice and developing trust. Also discussed will be inclusive strategies to promote a trans presence in your organization, ie the importance of being intentional, how to develop & support trans events, promoting trans visibility, growing committee and board involvement. The workshop will be concluded with a Q&A. An outline of the presentation and PowerPoint presentation will be available upon request.
Presenter(s): Gabrielle Claiborne
Successful LGBTI Human Rights strategies within Pride
Human Rights have become increasingly important within InterPride. Many prides, big and small, are trying to find ways to include human rights programs. A debate, exhibition or movies are tools to fulfill this objective. But how not only to inform the public, but also to have impact on the legal or social climate regarding LGBTI-themes on local or international level? Political scientist Holzacker defined the strategy “High Profile Politics” that was introduced by Frank van Dalen as a successful strategy for social change. In this workshop we will share do’s and don’ts in order to set up a successful LGBTI Human Rights strategy within the pride-program. Extra attention is paid how to include visitors of a pride, how to create media-visibility and how to get connection with politicians and make them act in order to obtain results. Meaningful international solidarity is also a topic. This workshop is for those pride organizers who agree that regarding human rights it is not what you do, but what you effectively achieve to improve others peoples live. This workshop shows ways how this can be done and give new dimensions to your pride, bridge with the community and LGBTI-activists and give multi-level relevance to your event. This workshop has been delivered at several regional and international conferences and is renewed based on new insights, developments and examples.
Presenter(s): Frank van Dalen
Evolution of the Boston Pride Parade – Sticking to Basics
The workshop will cover how the parade has grown especially in the post-Marathon bombing years. By sticking to customer service 101 basics and continuously soliciting feedback from the community, the Boston Pride parade continues to grow at a steady pace each year. We will cover our approach and techniques used as well as the lessons learned over the years.
Presenter(s): Martha Plaza
Ticketing and R.F.I.D.
See Tickets provides event ticketing, entry and box office solutions. The workshop will cover these topics as well as best practice examples on data collection, integration with SalesForce or other CRM products offering year round engagement with event attendees and donors. We will also discuss best use and deployment of RFID and cashless solutions.
Presenter(s): See Tickets